Tuesday, May 05, 2009

URLs from 5/5/09

Today's show was broadcast live on UStream.tv, but for some reason the archive does not seem to be available. Even though it was audio-only, we think this should be possible. If you have an idea about what to do, send us an email to
  • helpradio(AT)wmub.org
News and views:

Blogging: Blogger vs. WordPress
--Comments from HelpDesk listener Rich

Waldo Spotted on Google street view

Rumors of Apple Netbook


Low sound volume even though it is turned up (Thomas)

Alphabetizing folders and Applications in Start folder (Liz)
--Liz asked why applications always followed folders, rather than a mixed alpha short. We had said last week that we didn't think the order could be changed. Bob from Madeira wrote:
--Re the question last week about the Windows Start menu, with its folders and files in random order -- The Start menu is a special case of a folder. If you right-click on the Start button, then select Explore, you can manage the Start menu with Windows Explorer, the same as any other hierarchy of folders. You should be able to re-sort the folders and files as you wish. (List view is probably more useful than the Icon views for this purpose).

The sort order of the Start menu is, I believe, affected by any global changes you make to the sort order in Explorer. So if, like me, you have Explorer set to show all folders first before individual files, then then the folders should show up in the Start menu before individual item shortcuts.

This is made more complicated by the fact that there is a separate list of Start Menu items for All Users, and a separate one for each individual user. The items in the All Users list appear first, then the items for the currently-logged-in user are appended. So there will usually be two sections in the Start menu. You can administer the start menu items for All Users by clicking the Start button, then select Explore All Users.

There may be ways to reconfigure the Start menu, either through Registry hacks or through the TweakUI power toy, which is a free download from Microsoft.

Thanks for the podcast, and for the MUBsters update. Good luck to you all!

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