Tuesday, February 13, 2007

URLs from 2/13/07

Biting woods for Apple come back to Haunt Dell

Changing Windows Sound Scheme to no sound for default

Opening an Apple Keyboard for cleaning
--Method 1
--Method 2

Mac Mini Video Problems with games (Warcraft,Civilization & Starcraft)
--Email Support Wowtech-AT-Blizzard.com or call 949-955-1382
--Warcraft patch. Note: we don't know what it does!

How to use sound in MS DOS

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

URLs from 2/6/07

Moving your iTunes library to an external drive -- instructions for Mac and PC

iTunes for Windows Hot Tips

Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer) vs. Apple Corp. (the Beatles) -- lawsuit settled

Computer donations -- see the Cincinnati Computer Coop

Digital Cameras -- Resolution; Optical & Interpolated

Stinger Removal of virus software for Windows

Macintosh Antivirus software
--Note that many Mac users do not feel the need to have antivrus software at this time. Others argue that it's better to be safe than sorry. We have both points of view on the Help Desk.