Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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Although the last Help Desk has aired, WMUB will continue to add blog posts from time to time.

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Thank you,

The Help Desk Crew (Cleve Callison, Guy Moore, Wayne Stone)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

URLs from 2/24/09

Why Steve Jobs can't save GM

Best Buy Offes iPhone Discounts

MacBook SMC Update

10 ways the Microsoft stores will differ from the Apple stores (humor)

Party like it's 123456789

Tips for buying a new laptop

Apple Clone maker (Pystar)

Talk Like Pirate Day

'Virtual Memory low' Message

Apple Numbers Freezing header Row & Columns
--There are 3 little icons under the media button. They allow you to freeze row and columns.

URLs from 2/17/09

Gaming Board in Vegas warns about card counting apps for iPhone

Microsoft to Open stores

How to setup sub-accounts on your Verizon accounts


Where to find older games for Vista
--Possibly run non-intensive games under XP using Virtual PC (You will need a legal copy of XP)

Digitizing Record & Tapes on your Macintosh
--Since the emailers to this show had so much to digitize they may want to consider one of the devices that will convert your records directly to CDs without involving your computer. I do not have a lot of experience with these or the quality of what they produce, but it might be another option. --Guy Moore
--2 Crosley models:



Tuesday, February 03, 2009

URLs from 2/3/09

Amiga Classic 'Pinball Dreams' Comes to the iPhone

Apple gains in internet use 2009

Microsoft Graph keeps popping up when I restart my computer

Converting Quicktime Movies for iPhone or iPod Touch

Stooge sounds

URLs from 1/27/09

Upgrading Dell Dimension 8400

Macintosh is 25 Years old


iLife 09 Shipping this week

iMovie HD No longer available from Apple

Mac Trojan in Bootleg version CS4

Creator 10 Updater problem

Windows screen saver settings

Removing things from Startup

Disabling Roxio from Startup

URLs from 1/20/09

Get your MacBook glossy screen replaced with a mat screen

Shoutcast on your iPhone

Steve Jobs' Health

Conficker computer worm

Email Archiving Utilities

Setting up mail to POP from Yahoo

CD Ripping software