Wednesday, July 18, 2007

URLs from 7/17/07

Vinyl record sales are up 13%
Internet Explorer in Windows opens in too small a size

Setting up a home wireless network with 2 Mac laptops, USB Hard drive, printer
--Tip # 1
--Tip #2

Slow internet speed with Windows 2000 broadband
--We suggested that extra memory might help. Here's a bandwidth speed test.

Word processing compatible with Microsoft Office (esp. Word)
--We suggested the free open-source Open Office

Kevin from Eaton has a Windows 98 machine that won't boot properly. Bryan suggested a review of CHKDSK (Check Disk) procedures.

--Here's Wayne's guide:

--First, a word of caution: some of this may possibly change or impair your system. If you're not comfortable with this, don't do it.

--Try starting in Safe Mode (tap F8 key repeatedly during Startup)

--You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the orginal setup CD-Rom.

Select R at the first screen to start repair.

--Boot from Windows XP Install CD-Rom
Press R for Recovery Console
Select the number for the OS (in my case 1. C:\WINDOWS)
This should result in a prompt C:\WINDOWS
At the C: prompt type:

chkdsk C: /p/r

Then reboot and see if it’s fixed.

--If that does not help then go through the steps above.
At the C: prompt type:

Fixboot C:

Then reboot and see if it’s fixed.

--If that does not help then go through the steps above.
At the C: prompt type:


A warning will display stating the mbr is not standard or corrupt (or words to that effect). At "Do you wish to continue?" type Y for yes.
The new mbr should then be successfully written to the hard disk.
Type "exit" (no quotes) at the prompt. The system will reboot and all SHOULD be well.

A word of warning care should be execised if you multiboot into different OS's as this may prevent the system accessing a custom boot loader, but for single operating systems it should be fine. It works 100% of the time for me.

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