Tuesday, October 02, 2007

URLs from 10/2/07

iTunes for Windows 2000

Sharing/collaborating on word processing files when not everyone has the same software. We discussed several options:
--Open Office free software
--Google's on-line word processing tool
--NeoOffice (Mac only) reads and writes Word files
--Creating pdf files readable (not writeable) on almost any computer. Part of Mac OSX; a Windows solution is Cute PDF Writer
--Use collaborative on-line software: Wiki and WriteBoard.com
--Options for reading MS Word files
--Office Live software

iPhone Human Interface Guidelines

New Version of Gimp

User email Steve Jobs about iMac problems and gets action

Amazon Music store

Belarc Advisor (profiles your system)

Dictionary of Computer terms

Com Port busy message:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in regards to your caller who wanted to see what programs load in windows startup:

Click start, run type msconfig

hit enter

then click startup tab