Tuesday, April 14, 2009

URLs from 4/14/09

Thanks to Don Moeller for sitting in for Don Guy Moore on today's podcast.

Backup your data! Don recommends the following Internet-based approaches:
--Evernote (http://www.evernote.com)
--Windows Mesh (https://www.mesh.com/Welcome/default.aspx)
--DropBox (http://www.getdropbox.com)

Internet-based fax services (this started as a thread in a recent Yahoo group spotted by Cleve). Some are free, some have monthly charges:
--Start at http://www.faxcompare.com/
--LinkedIn members recommended:
--Kinko's was recommended; now called FedEx Office, it's not clear if they still offer the service
--One responder, a sole proprietor, was so turned off by unwanted faxes that she no longer receives incoming faxes.
--One idea was to stop faxing and start scanning documents which then can be sent as PDFs (fax being a dying technology). But it is definitely more of a hassle for senders and receivers, and many people will not open attachments even from trusted sources.

How to set defaults in Word 07:

Wireless security: is a home network really safe from those who might try to read data, or piggy-back on a wireless access point?
--Yes, say Wayne and Don. New routers have very robust security and encryption settings.
--Don says a surprising number of users don't take even minimal precautions, but if you do, you'll be fine.
--Make sure you understand the router's instructions on password-protecting and encrypting your wireless.
--WPA is a more secure protocol than WEP.

Are solid-state (flash) drives a good idea?
--Maybe, say Wayne and Don. They faster and lighter (good for laptops) and prices do seem to be dropping. There's some concern about whether they will give out after a number of write-cycles.
--Samsung defends flash reliability in solid-state drives:

Badwarebusters: this is a site, co-created by Consumer Reports, designed to help spread awareness of, and fight, malicious software:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another really good and afoordable online fax service is Metro Hi Speed. Their plans are really reasonable and cheaper than the big name providers. http://www.metrohispeed.com/