Tuesday, May 26, 2009

URLs from 5/26/09

Listen for today's show as a podcast and on UStream.tv
UPDATE: today's show is http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1562876


Lenovo gets real with new lineup


Drive-By "Gumblar" Download Poisons Google Search Results


Safari Beta 4 Security questions

Iphone 3.0


WMUB.org live stream on a Mac
--As of 3/1/09, Miami University no longer programs WMUB or operates the web site http://wmub.org. It's now operated by Cincinnati Public Radio. Mike had reported he was unable to get the stream to air on his Mac. We experienced the same problem. CPR will need to solve it, and we have contacted them.

Audio quality of podcasts
--Joe reported problems when burning our podcasts to CDs. It's true that we keep the specs on these low so that the files aren't large; with the ubiquity of broadband connections, perhaps it's time to revisit that. We don't have an answer as to why Joe's Toast 7 software on his Mac treats these files as .aif; they should be .mp3. We recommended to Joe that he use iTunes to handle the podcasts, and burn from that.

How to change your icon in OS X
--Joe also asked why his SENT folder in Apple Mail shows a picture of him as a gingerbread man. Joe needs to update his listing in his Address Book. The gingerbread man is one of the defaults, but you can sub a picture in any of several graphic formats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dukes of URL for another great podcast.

Any more polls?

Keep up the good work.

From a long-time NPR/WMUB listener and supporter.